I am an engineer and I love to build cool stuff.
These gearballs use steel bearings press fit to PLA plastic and weight almost 1 pound. Always working on new shapes.
Firmware is often the most critical piece of a design. It take expertise in coding standards, microcontrollers, low level communication protocols, and radio frequency protocols to implement reliable firmware. With many years experience using Nordic, ESP32, NXP, and other microcontrollers I can complete firmware projects and provide the most reliable code.
Good hardware designs pave the way for smooth firmware development, reliable product operation, and optimized bill of materials. It takes someone with many years hardware and firmware experience to create the best hardware designs. Completing both the hardware and firmware pieces of a project can save time and money. Experienced with Altium and Kicad.
Bluetooth and WiFi
Long before it was called "Internet of Things," we were connecting hardware together. Battery powered smart devices requires a lot of care to get right, from system architecture down to the hardware design. The best systems require a careful, multidisciplined approach.
Experience in wordpress, static sites, domain management, dashboards, databases, map interfaces, and other hardware to web tasks.